Show some love!

So, I decided that I was going to buy my man a nice new watch for him to wear on his wrist. I started searching for the best watches under 500, and it did not take me long to find one that I thought was absolutely perfect for my man. It was well priced, and extremely stylish, and completely fell in line with his hopes and dreams when it comes to his fashion sense, which he doesn’t always know how to achieve, but he does know how to articulate how he wants to look. What better role for a wife to turn that into a reality, even though he is sometimes too stubborn to accept my suggestions. That’s just how men are I guess, and you have to love your man.

I stand by my man, despite so much stubbornness, and it always ends up going pretty well for me. However, I didn’t think that the watch was enough, and for my last gift he had bought me something that was extremely expensive, he got us tickets to a really nice weekend retreat, which did benefit him as well, but I felt awkward spending so little on him in comparison. We have a lot more money than we used to, and birthdays are a good way to show our appreciation, and when I was holding the watch I just thought it felt a little bit small.

So, I decided that I would also buy him a little something extra, and I went to my favorite site for reviews on outdoor gear, which is always prove me well in the past, it’s called Survival Cooking— basically it’s just a hub of extremely well written reviews on camping and other outdoor supplies. I know that it’s weird to say that I love you as well written, but damn. These are some very helpful reviews for wives like me who want to get their husband something, but don’t really know what they’re talking about or doing. Thank you survival cooking for being an amazing resource.




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