Amazon helping students

Anyway, how much is Amazon Prime Canada for students? It’s 50% off of $80 a year, so basically you’re paying less than $4 a month.  So, for less than $4 a month, you are getting an amazing amount of services, and you are having a lot of opportunities granted to you, which is very special and incredible, in my opinion, I don’t know if there is a better deal in the world than $4 a month for free shipping, as well as the online streaming services that come along with Amazon Prime, which are very much like Netflix and Amazon Prime streaming service is actually getting so Advanced that some people are starting to say that their original series are even better than the ones that Netflix is offering. I really do believe that this is significant. I think that is significant because Amazon Prime is not just a streaming service, and yet they are competing directly with the best streaming service.  Amazon Prime Canada is becoming more and more valuable every day. So, it’s hard to say how much it is, because there are all sorts of intangibles. I mean on the surface, it’s $80 a year, or just around $6 a month. Which is not very bad at all, but if you start to think about it in the sense that you are no longer going to be paying for shipping on any deliveries that you have made towards you for from Amazon, and other things like that, it becomes more and more Tangled. And then if you look at other cost that you can eliminate, this becomes even more compelling. For example, if you were to look at the fact that you would not have to use Netflix anymore to stream high-quality television programs, and if you are using paid cloud services, the Amazon Prime system would also provide you with an alternative that is covered in the membership fee, who it start to realize that Amazon Prime Canada is in the business of cutting costs and saving you money on things that you’re already paying for, which blurs the line of how expensive it really is. Or is not.

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