Want to Replace Your Boring Photos?

Want to Replace Your Boring Photos?

There are so many things I love about being an online writer. Like, so many. Often, I find myself filled with gratitude about my tasks and about my duties in this life. My little career as a blogger absolutely factors into the Gratitude I feel. But, that’s not to say that everything is roses and lollipops about being a blogger, or an online writer of any kind. Actually, there are somethings that consistently prove to be annoying issues.

For me, one of the most annoying issues that I commonly have faced in my short career as a Blog writer, hasbian needs to find grates, engaging images in a pool of mediocre stock photos. I am not being overdramatic, duck photography as a whole has lost any art that was ever a part of it. Or so I thought.

I guess I was always hopeful that someday a better stock photography site would come along. It just seems so weird that so many people would take boring photos of nothing significant, and that nothing original or interesting whatever find its way into the stock photography stream. Recently, I’ve learned that the problem is not with stock photography itself, it’s with the sites that I had been using which, seemingly, have not put very much effort in to the task of curating which photos they select, and rejecting photos that are not worth posting on a stock photography website.

EyeEm Is the site that I found, and speaking of things to be grateful about everyday, holy cow, this is one of them, and I think I will have many many days in which intense gratitude is felt due to the existence of EyeEm. I never knew Stock Photos  could be so good. Somehow I felt it should be, but I didn’t know anybody was actualizing that drained. Now, one of the worst parts of my job has become one of my favorites. Photography is a form of Art. A site like EyeEm proves this to be true.

Happiness: My Baby Cam

Happiness: My Baby Cam

As you know, I am an individual who very much appreciates and loves happiness. I never undervalue the presence of bliss, joy, laughter, and peace in life. A lot of people asking me how I define happiness, and I don’t really have a definition that is always true. I think happiness is like, a feature in certain moments that can manifest in different ways.

That’s how I feel about it, anyway. So, naturally, from this point of view, I can tell you that one thing that seems to turn up in every definition of happiness that I feel or think of, is the absence of stress, worry, sadness, and other forms of unhappiness.

That might seem like a bit of a cop-out, to define something as being the opposite of its opposite, but in this case I think that because we’re talking about a feeling it kind of works. So, a lot of my philosophy and action regarding my philosophy relates to how to remove sources of unhappiness and stress. For me, motherhood is part of life that I experienced a lot of stressing.

Which makes sense and I think is totally natural, but is still sometimes a part of life that I think calls for new answers and fresh approaches to cultivate a more positive the solutions to the hardest and most difficult parts. For me, this WiFi baby monitor was one little solution that I would like to share.

I know it’s just an anecdote, but by purchasing this product I created so much peace of mind for myself, because I knew that my baby monitor was fully connected in top-of-the-line, so I didn’t have to worry about putting my baby to sleep, and getting some of my own sleep, too from what I’ve heard, this type of feeling is not uncommon at Monk’s new mothers, so, I think that it is very good to have products like this, and it’s totally worth the investment.

I’m going to start thinking about more aspects of my life with this new knowledge, just trying to trim the fat that causes stress, and find Positive Solutions to the things that have been causing any source of unhappiness, creating the potential and source of real happiness.